Telepsychiatry is the delivery of psychiatry (or psychotherapeutic) services using interactive audio and visual (video) electronic systems where the provider and the patient are not in the same physical location. The interactive electronic systems incorporate network and software security protocols to protect patient information and safeguard the data exchanged.
A computer and a webcam with microphone to video conferencing using a HIPAA compliant online company specializing in telemedicine.
Potential Benefits:
Telepsychiatry eliminates barriers to accessing healthcare and provides alternative means to obtain behavioral health services for patients who may otherwise have limited accessibility or encounter prolonged waiting lists in the community.
In addition to removing the burden of travel time to a physical medical office as well as the risks and costs associated with transportation, telemental health allows for flexible scheduling.
Telemental health offers a reduction of stigma by providing private treatment in the comfort of the patient’s personal space.
Telemental health can provide treatment to patients with disabilities and limited mobility without requiring extensive planning for transport.
Potential Risks:
Telepsychiatry audiovisual equipment may experience technical difficulties.
While every precaution is taken to secure patient data and maintain confidentiality, the nature of electronic appointments results in additional exposure to security breaches.
Telepsychiatry may not be suitable for certain illnesses that require higher levels of care.
Certain illnesses may not be adequately treated by telepsychiatry.
It is the discretion of the mental health provider regarding continuation of telemental health services.
Medication Prescribing:
All medications prescribed by the mental health provider will be sent electronically to the pharmacy on file.
Controlled substances such as stimulants, benzodiazepines, and hypnotics will be prescribed at the provider’s discretion. A Quietly Radiant Controlled Substance Contract must be completed by the client and faxed/mailed/delivered to Quietly Radiant prior to controlled substance prescriptions being provided.
All clients prescribed controlled substances must present in person either at Quietly Radiant or an affiliate lab entity to complete a set of vital signs and urine drug screen prior to prescriptions being sent to the pharmacy.
Required Information at Every Visit:
Name, location, and telephone number of the patient at the time of session. This is to ensure that your provider is aware of alternative means of treatment should an emergency occur.
Activities Permitting During Telemedicine Services
Prescription refills will be permitted at the time of the appointment.
Appointment scheduling can be done outside of the appointment by going online to or calling our office at 757-656-1665.
Responsibilities of the Provider:
QRPS reserves the right to assess suitability and appropriateness of telepsychiatry candidates due to the potential limitations of the treatment modality mentioned above.
In the event of imminent danger, the provider is legally and ethically bound to report information to authorities, family members, or others, to minimize potential harm.
Responsibilities of the Patient:
I agree to take full responsibility for the security of any communications or treatment information involved with my own computer and with my own physical location.
I understand that I, NOT the provider, am responsible for providing and configuring any electronic equipment used on my computer which is used for telepsychiatry. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure the proper functioning of all electronic equipment before my session begins.
I understand that I must be seen face-to-face at least one time per year.
I understand that it is my responsibility to verify insurance coverage/eligibility for telepsychiatry treatment.
I agree to either provide the office with vital signs obtained from a primary care physician’s office or appear to QRPS within one week before or after the scheduled telepsychiatry appointment for vital signs.
Telepsychiatry is the delivery of psychiatry (or psychotherapeutic) services using interactive audio and visual (video) electronic systems where the provider and the patient are not in the same physical location. The interactive electronic systems incorporate network and software security protocols to protect patient information and safeguard the data exchanged.
A computer and a webcam with microphone to video conferencing using a HIPAA compliant online company specializing in telemedicine.
Potential Benefits:
Telepsychiatry eliminates barriers to accessing healthcare and provides alternative means to obtain behavioral health services for patients who may otherwise have limited accessibility or encounter prolonged waiting lists in the community.
In addition to removing the burden of travel time to a physical medical office as well as the risks and costs associated with transportation, telemental health allows for flexible scheduling.
Telemental health offers a reduction of stigma by providing private treatment in the comfort of the patient’s personal space.
Telemental health can provide treatment to patients with disabilities and limited mobility without requiring extensive planning for transport.
Potential Risks:
Telepsychiatry audiovisual equipment may experience technical difficulties.
While every precaution is taken to secure patient data and maintain confidentiality, the nature of electronic appointments results in additional exposure to security breaches.
Telepsychiatry may not be suitable for certain illnesses that require higher levels of care.
Certain illnesses may not be adequately treated by telepsychiatry.
It is the discretion of the mental health provider regarding continuation of telemental health services.
Medication Prescribing:
All medications prescribed by the mental health provider will be sent electronically to the pharmacy on file.
Controlled substances such as stimulants, benzodiazepines, and hypnotics will be prescribed at the provider’s discretion. A Quietly Radiant Controlled Substance Contract must be completed by the client and faxed/mailed/delivered to Quietly Radiant prior to controlled substance prescriptions being provided.
All clients prescribed controlled substances must present in person either at Quietly Radiant or an affiliate lab entity to complete a set of vital signs and urine drug screen prior to prescriptions being sent to the pharmacy.
Required Information at Every Visit:
Name, location, and telephone number of the patient at the time of session. This is to ensure that your provider is aware of alternative means of treatment should an emergency occur.
Activities Permitting During Telemedicine Services
Prescription refills will be permitted at the time of the appointment.
Appointment scheduling can be done outside of the appointment by going online to or calling our office at 757-656-1665.
Responsibilities of the Provider:
QRPS reserves the right to assess suitability and appropriateness of telepsychiatry candidates due to the potential limitations of the treatment modality mentioned above.
In the event of imminent danger, the provider is legally and ethically bound to report information to authorities, family members, or others, to minimize potential harm.
Responsibilities of the Patient:
I agree to take full responsibility for the security of any communications or treatment information involved with my own computer and with my own physical location.
I understand that I, NOT the provider, am responsible for providing and configuring any electronic equipment used on my computer which is used for telepsychiatry. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure the proper functioning of all electronic equipment before my session begins.
I understand that I must be seen face-to-face at least one time per year.
I understand that it is my responsibility to verify insurance coverage/eligibility for telepsychiatry treatment.
I agree to either provide the office with vital signs obtained from a primary care physician’s office or appear to QRPS within one week before or after the scheduled telepsychiatry appointment for vital signs.
Our Policies
(Click on the picture to link to the policy detail.)
Telepsychiatry is the delivery of psychiatry (or psychotherapeutic) services using interactive audio and visual (video) electronic systems where the provider and the patient are not in the same physical location. The interactive electronic systems incorporate network and software security protocols to protect patient information and safeguard the data exchanged.
A computer and a webcam with microphone to video conferencing using a HIPAA compliant online company specializing in telemedicine.
Potential Benefits:
Telepsychiatry eliminates barriers to accessing healthcare and provides alternative means to obtain behavioral health services for patients who may otherwise have limited accessibility or encounter prolonged waiting lists in the community.
In addition to removing the burden of travel time to a physical medical office as well as the risks and costs associated with transportation, telemental health allows for flexible scheduling.
Telemental health offers a reduction of stigma by providing private treatment in the comfort of the patient’s personal space.
Telemental health can provide treatment to patients with disabilities and limited mobility without requiring extensive planning for transport.
Potential Risks:
Telepsychiatry audiovisual equipment may experience technical difficulties.
While every precaution is taken to secure patient data and maintain confidentiality, the nature of electronic appointments results in additional exposure to security breaches.
Telepsychiatry may not be suitable for certain illnesses that require higher levels of care.
Certain illnesses may not be adequately treated by telepsychiatry.
It is the discretion of the mental health provider regarding continuation of telemental health services.
Medication Prescribing:
All medications prescribed by the mental health provider will be sent electronically to the pharmacy on file.
Controlled substances such as stimulants, benzodiazepines, and hypnotics will be prescribed at the provider’s discretion. A Discovery Counseling Services Controlled Substance Contract must be completed by the client and faxed/mailed/delivered to Discovery Counseling Services prior to controlled substance prescriptions being provided.
All clients prescribed controlled substances must present in person either at Discovery Counseling Services or an affiliate lab entity to complete a set of vital signs and urine drug screen prior to prescriptions being sent to the pharmacy.
To provide you with high quality health care it is important for you to keep your scheduled appointment with your scheduled provider. Valuable time has been reserved for you or your family member. A missed appointment or late cancellation of an appointment results in lost time which could have been given to another person waiting to receive care. Every day we get many calls for appointments from both old and new patients. By cancelling your appointment as soon as possible, we can help other patients who are waiting to be seen.
Our office will notify you one day ahead and remind you of your appointment; however, it is your responsibility to keep record of your appointment and to arrive on time. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment please call 24 hours in advance between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm. For after hour cancellations please leave your name, appointment time and phone number on the after hours voicemail. Patients who cancel appointments with less than 24 hours’ notice or 6 min late for medication management appointments and 15 min late to 1-hour therapy appointments will be considered a No Show. Every No-Show visit will be recorded in your chart. Multiple No Show appointments within a six-month period can result in a $25.00 No Show fee for each appointment and / or end your ability to make appointments and/or receive services at Discovery Counseling Services. We realize that an emergency may occur, and you may not be able to notify us. We will discuss that situation with you when it arises.
After One (1) No Show: You will receive a letter and a phone call informing you of the No Show with a copy of this policy/agreement. You will be able to continue to receive services at Discovery Counseling Services.
After Two (2) No Shows: You will receive a second letter and phone call reminding you that this is your 2nd No Show. You will still be able to receive services at Discovery Counseling Services.
After Three (3) No Shows: You will receive a 3rd letter informing you that your scheduling privileges have been suspended for 6 months, you will be supplied with 3 months’ worth of non-controlled prescription and recommendations for another office.
Thank you for working with us to ensure that services are provided to all our patients in the best possible way.
Very Respectfully,
Your Discovery Mental Health Team
Due to the recent increase in controlled substance overdose and related deaths, Discovery Mental Health Services takes the prescribing of controlled substances very seriously. All our providers utilize a holistic focus, caring for the whole person rather than just a diagnosis, we care deeply for our clients and want only the best in care and recovery. Considering this, Discovery Mental Health has a very strict controlled substance policy that every client receiving a controlled substance must sign and adhere to.
We understand that all medications serve a purpose for our clients, but it is our desire to provide the very best, safest, and most effective care. We adhere strictly the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) requirements for controlled substance prescriptions and follow all rules and regulations they have established. For more information, please visit the DEA website at
Below is a linked copy to our Controlled Substance Policy that each client must sign to receive a controlled substance. We generate an EForsce Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) report for each client at every appointment to ensure that Discovery Mental Health is the only facility prescribing psychiatric controlled substances. In addition, we require a full set of vital signs (heart rate, blood pressure, etc.) and completed drug screen laboratory test prior to dispensing any controlled substance for first time recipients. We also reserve the right to test any client subsequently at the request of the servicing provider.
We understand that this policy may be viewed as extreme, however we want to provide the safest care for all our clients, and want to protect our clients, providers, and staff from the associated risks of controlled substances. We encourage all of our clients, new and established, to review our policy and research all substances you are prescribed for efficacy and safety. Please review our policy, and if you have further questions, please call our office directly.